The Five Stages of Editing Grief

You did it. You finally finished that book/article/short story. Your blood, sweat, and tears went into making it the very best it can be. You are so proud, a mother bird watching her little fledgling take flight as you hit the button to send the final product out! Maybe it takes several days, even several […]

The Science of Story

Confession: I am a huge fan of superhero movies. Specifically, I love Marvel superhero movies. Take a look at any article posted online about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and you will instantly find the heated debates about why the Marvel movies are more successful than the DC movies. The theories range from criticisms of the […]

Dear Authors: Drop Your Defenses!

Sometimes as an author it feels like getting words out of your head and onto paper is as painful as giving birth. Naturally, when those word finally do make it out into the world, they feel like our baby. This story or article or book you’ve written is an expression of what is inside you. […]

Writing Tips: 3 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

It happens to all of us. We are pounding out hundreds (if not thousands!) of words in a single sitting… and then BAM. Nothing. It’s as though your brain has become a wrung sponge incapable of producing a single drop of brilliance. Maybe you just lost the inspiration to write. Maybe life decided to put […]

Interview with ‘The Widow’s Captive’ author, Lucy Nel

  What are some of your favorite books and/or authors? Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. And everything Tamera Alexander and Karen Witemeyer writes. Do you ever read outside of your genre? I do, but not as often as I’d like to. I am a romantic at heart, so I prefer a story with a strong romantic theme. […]

COVER REVEAL for ‘Ending Fear’

Yes! It’s happening! It’s really happening! (proceed with happy dance, throwing confetti, kissing babies, and generally having a great big party!) The day has arrived when we can finally share the cover of Deanna Fugett’s Ending Fear. Her YA dystopian is getting published soon so you have to forgive us if we’re a little crazy around […]

Critique partners, ‘dry spell’ and publishing jitters.

I want to brag on my amazing crit group for a minute. Not only are they a constant source of inspiration and help, they are my friends. Recently I have been struggling with not knowing how to finish my second book. It’s been a frustrating experience not having direction or knowing how or where to […]