Drifting: A Sneak Peek into a Mermaid’s World

The sea calls to her…


The waves match her pulse.


The ocean reclaims her.


Welcomes her into it’s watery embrace.

Drifting Sarah Armstrong Garner jebraunclifford.com

A strange new world awaits. But danger lurks in every corner.


Her heart yearns for him.


Will they ever be together again?


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He searches for her.


He will not stop until he finds her.


But is their love strong enough to bring them together?


Jocelyn plunges into the ocean near Calcutta, India, thrown overboard by a man claiming it’s the only way to save her life. As she sinks, the transformation begins, and the ocean welcomes her back into its embrace.

Aidan Boyd thought the only way to save Jocelyn was to give her back to the ocean, but now he’s not so sure. Aidan doesn’t believe in mermaids, but he can’t explain the way she changed. Will he see Jocelyn again? Or has he condemned her to a watery grave?

Jocelyn drifts in a world she’d forgotten only to find she’s hunted by a deadly force from the ancient city of Thessa, the reason she was hidden in the world above. But she cannot get Aidan out of her head. Was what they shared real? Or was it a fantasy brought on by her unconscious need to seduce a human?

Both Aidan and Jocelyn begin a desperate and dangerous journey to discover the truth . . . and hopefully each other. But will their love be enough?

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Sarah Armstrong-Garner lives in Northern California with her husband and three children, and get this: not only is she an author, screenwriter, and photographer, she also shoots indie films with her husband.

Connect with Sarah

Website: http://www.saraharmstronggarner.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SarahArmstrongGarner
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SarahTwyla
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/saraharmstronggarner
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/33156298-sarah-armstrong-garner
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/sarahtwyla

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3 thoughts on “Drifting: A Sneak Peek into a Mermaid’s World

  1. Pingback: Cover Reveal for Drifting | Love2ReadLove2Write Publishing

  2. Pingback: Blog Tour for Drifting and Meet Author Sarah Armstrong-Garner | Love2ReadLove2Write Publishing

  3. Pingback: Thank you, Drifting Launch Team! | Love2ReadLove2Write Publishing

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