The Five Stages of Editing Grief

You did it. You finally finished that book/article/short story. Your blood, sweat, and tears went into making it the very best it can be. You are so proud, a mother bird watching her little fledgling take flight as you hit the button to send the final product out! Maybe it takes several days, even several […]

Gandalf, Samwise, and Where to Find Them

Enjoy this guest post from Hannah Prewett, aspiring author and artist extraordinaire, as she shares a little about her writing journey and those who have walked beside her: Sometimes, the writing life is full of sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. That moment you finish writing the book that’s been burning inside of you. The day you […]

Dear Young and Aspiring Author

Ever wished you could go back in time and share something with the younger you? This month we decided to share some wisdom we’ve gained since writing that first chapter, things we’ve learned since our ‘decision’ to become writers. Read Robin’s inspiring blog here if you’ve missed it. I scribbled my first ever story in […]

Advice to a Newbie Writer

This month the writers at Quills and Inkblotts are thinking back to their early days of writing, and sharing advice they would give themselves if they could. I have to go back nearly five years, to Fall of 2011. That’s when my husband listened to me falter, and shrug, and attempt to explain this writing […]

3 Simple Things Guaranteed to Refresh Your Writing Life

Do you need some refreshment? Some encouragement? Does your writing feel stale and flat? Try these surprisingly simple tips and see your creativity soar! I’ve been enjoying a creative flow recently. It’s been wonderful to sit down at my computer and have scenes and conversations come out of my fingertips effortlessly. I had a long, dry season […]

Critique partners, ‘dry spell’ and publishing jitters.

I want to brag on my amazing crit group for a minute. Not only are they a constant source of inspiration and help, they are my friends. Recently I have been struggling with not knowing how to finish my second book. It’s been a frustrating experience not having direction or knowing how or where to […]